Source code for vasppy.cell

import math
import numpy as np

[docs]def angle(x, y): """ Calculate the angle between two vectors, in degrees. Args: x (np.array): one vector. y (np.array): the other vector. Returns: (float): the angle between x and y in degrees. """ dot =, y) x_mod = np.linalg.norm(x) y_mod = np.linalg.norm(y) cos_angle = dot / (x_mod * y_mod) return np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_angle))
[docs]def rotation_matrix(axis, theta): """ Return the 3D rotation matrix associated with counterclockwise rotation about the given axis by theta radians. Args: axis (np.array): length 3 numpy array defining the axis of rotation. theta (float): rotation angle in radians. Returns: (np.array): the corredponding rotation matrix. """ axis = np.asarray(axis) theta = np.asarray(theta) axis = axis / math.sqrt(, axis)) a = math.cos(theta / 2) b, c, d = -axis * math.sin(theta / 2) aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d return np.array( [ [aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad), 2 * (bd - ac)], [2 * (bc - ad), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)], [2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc], ] )
[docs]class Cell: def __init__(self, matrix): """ Initialise a Cell object. Args: matrix (np.array): 3x3 numpy array containing the cell matrix. Returns: None """ assert type(matrix) is np.ndarray assert matrix.shape == (3, 3) self.matrix = matrix # 3 x 3 numpy Array self.inv_matrix = np.linalg.inv(matrix)
[docs] def dr(self, r1, r2, cutoff=None): """ Calculate the distance between two fractional coordinates in the cell. Args: r1 (np.array): fractional coordinates for position 1. r2 (np.array): fractional coordinates for position 2. cutoff (optional:Bool): If set, returns None for distances greater than the cutoff. Default None (unset). Returns: (float): the distance between r1 and r2. """ delta_r_cartesian = (r1 - r2).dot(self.matrix) delta_r_squared = sum(delta_r_cartesian**2) if cutoff is not None: cutoff_squared = cutoff**2 if delta_r_squared > cutoff_squared: return None return math.sqrt(delta_r_squared)
[docs] def nearest_image(self, origin, point): """ Find the fractional_coordinates of the nearest periodic image to a point of origin. Args: origin (np.array): fractional coordinates of the point of origin. point (np.array): fractional coordinates of the other point. Returns: (np.array): the fractional coordinates of the nearest image of `point` to `origin`. """ return origin + self.minimum_image(origin, point)
[docs] def minimum_image(self, r1, r2): """ Find the minimum image vector from point r1 to point r2. Args: r1 (np.array): fractional coordinates of point r1. r2 (np.array): fractional coordinates of point r2. Returns: (np.array): the fractional coordinate vector from r1 to the nearest image of r2. """ delta_r = r2 - r1 delta_r = np.array( [x - math.copysign(1.0, x) if abs(x) > 0.5 else x for x in delta_r] ) return delta_r
[docs] def minimum_image_dr(self, r1, r2, cutoff=None): """ Calculate the shortest distance between two points in the cell, accounting for periodic boundary conditions. Args: r1 (np.array): fractional coordinates of point r1. r2 (np.array): fractional coordinates of point r2. cutoff (:obj: `float`, optional): if set, return zero if the minimum distance is greater than `cutoff`. Defaults to None. Returns: (float): The distance between r1 and r2. """ delta_r_vector = self.minimum_image(r1, r2) return self.dr(np.zeros(3), delta_r_vector, cutoff)
[docs] def lengths(self): """ The cell lengths. Args: None Returns: (np.array(a,b,c)): The cell lengths. """ return np.array([math.sqrt(sum(row**2)) for row in self.matrix])
[docs] def angles(self): """ The cell angles (in degrees). Args: None Returns: (list(alpha,beta,gamma)): The cell angles. """ (a, b, c) = [row for row in self.matrix] return [angle(b, c), angle(a, c), angle(a, b)]
[docs] def cartesian_to_fractional_coordinates(self, coordinates): """ Convert a set of Cartesian coordinates to fractional coordinates in the cell. Args: coordinates (np.array(dim(N,3))): The set of Cartesian coordinates. Returns: (np.array(dim(N,3))): The corresponding set of fractional coordinates. """ return
[docs] def fractional_to_cartesian_coordinates(self, coordinates): """ Convert a set of fractional coordinates in the cell to Cartesian coordinates. Args: coordinates (np.array(dim(N,3))): The set of fractional coordinates. Returns: (np.array(dim(N,3))): The corresponding set of Cartesian coordinates. """ return
[docs] def inside_cell(self, r): """ Given a fractional-coordinate, if this lies outside the cell return the equivalent point inside the cell. Args: r (np.array): Fractional coordinates of a point (this may be outside the cell boundaries). Returns: (np.array): Fractional coordinates of an equivalent point, inside the cell boundaries. """ centre = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) new_r = self.nearest_image(centre, r) return new_r
[docs] def volume(self): """ The cell volume. Args: None Returns: (float): The cell volume. """ return[0], np.cross(self.matrix[1], self.matrix[2]))
[docs] def unit_vectors(self): """ The unit vectors for the cell vectors. Args: None Returns: (np.array): The unit vectors for the cell vectors. """ return (self.matrix.transpose() / self.lengths()).transpose()
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, theta): self.matrix = np.array( [, theta), v) for v in self.matrix] )