Source code for vasppy.doscar

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd  # type: ignore
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.axes import Axes  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.figure import Figure  # type: ignore
import matplotlib._color_data as mcd  # type: ignore
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Dict, Tuple
from import Iterable

TABLEAU_GREY: str = "#bab0ac"

[docs]def pdos_column_names(lmax: int, ispin: int) -> List[str]: if lmax == 2: names = ["s", "p_y", "p_z", "p_x", "d_xy", "d_yz", "d_z2-r2", "d_xz", "d_x2-y2"] elif lmax == 3: names = [ "s", "p_y", "p_z", "p_x", "d_xy", "d_yz", "d_z2-r2", "d_xz", "d_x2-y2", "f_y(3x2-y2)", "f_xyz", "f_yz2", "f_z3", "f_xz2", "f_z(x2-y2)", "f_x(x2-3y2)", ] else: raise ValueError("lmax value not supported") if ispin == 2: all_names = [] for n in names: all_names.extend(["{}_up".format(n), "{}_down".format(n)]) else: all_names = names all_names.insert(0, "energy") return all_names
[docs]class Doscar: """Contains all the data in a VASP DOSCAR file, and methods for manipulating this. """ number_of_header_lines: int = 6 def __init__( self, filename: str, ispin: int = 2, lmax: int = 2, lorbit: int = 11, spin_orbit_coupling: bool = False, read_pdos: bool = True, species: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Create a Doscar object from a VASP DOSCAR file. Args: filename (str): Filename of the VASP DOSCAR file to read. ispin (optional:int): ISPIN flag. Set to 1 for non-spin-polarised or to 2 for spin-polarised calculations. Default = 2. lmax (optional:int): Maximum l angular momentum. (d=2, f=3). Default is 2. lorbit (optional:int): The VASP LORBIT flag. (Default=11). spin_orbit_coupling (optional:bool): Spin-orbit coupling (Default=False). read_pdos (optional:bool): Set to True to read the atom-projected density of states (Default=True). species (optional:list(str)): List of atomic species strings, e.g. `['Fe', 'Fe', 'O', 'O', 'O']`. Default=None. """ self.filename = filename self.ispin = ispin self.lmax = lmax self.spin_orbit_coupling = spin_orbit_coupling if self.spin_orbit_coupling: raise NotImplementedError("Spin-orbit coupling is not yet implemented") self.lorbit = lorbit self.pdos: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.species = species self.read_header() self.read_total_dos() if read_pdos: try: self.read_projected_dos() except: raise # if species is set, should check that this is consistent with the number of entries in the # projected_dos dataset @property def number_of_channels(self) -> int: if self.lorbit == 11: return {2: 9, 3: 16}[self.lmax] raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read_header(self) -> None: self.header = [] with open(self.filename, "r") as file_in: for _i in range(Doscar.number_of_header_lines): self.header.append(file_in.readline()) self.process_header()
[docs] def process_header(self) -> None: self.number_of_atoms = int(self.header[0].split()[0]) self.number_of_data_points = int(self.header[5].split()[2]) self.efermi = float(self.header[5].split()[3])
[docs] def read_total_dos(self) -> pd.DataFrame: # assumes spin_polarised start_to_read: int = Doscar.number_of_header_lines df: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv( self.filename, skiprows=start_to_read, nrows=self.number_of_data_points, delim_whitespace=True, names=["energy", "up", "down", "int_up", "int_down"], index_col=False, ) np.ndarray = df.drop("energy", axis=1) self.tdos = df
# currently assume spin-polarised, no-SO-coupling, no f-states
[docs] def read_atomic_dos_as_df(self, atom_number: int) -> pd.DataFrame: assert atom_number > 0 & atom_number <= self.number_of_atoms start_to_read = Doscar.number_of_header_lines + atom_number * ( self.number_of_data_points + 1 ) df = pd.read_csv( self.filename, skiprows=start_to_read, nrows=self.number_of_data_points, delim_whitespace=True, names=pdos_column_names(lmax=self.lmax, ispin=self.ispin), index_col=False, ) return df.drop("energy", axis=1)
[docs] def read_projected_dos(self) -> None: """Read the projected density of states data""" pdos_list = [] for i in range(self.number_of_atoms): df = self.read_atomic_dos_as_df(i + 1) pdos_list.append(df) self.pdos = np.vstack([np.array(df) for df in pdos_list]).reshape( self.number_of_atoms, self.number_of_data_points, self.number_of_channels, self.ispin, )
[docs] def pdos_select( self, atoms: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, spin: Optional[str] = None, l: Optional[str] = None, m: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns a subset of the projected density of states array. Args: atoms (int or list(int)): Atom numbers to include in the selection. Atom numbers count from 1. Default is to select all atoms. spin (str): Select up or down, or both spin channels to include in the selection. Accepted options are 'up', 'down', and 'both'. Default is to select both spins. l (str): Select one angular momentum to include in the selectrion. Accepted options are 's', 'p', 'd', and 'f'. Default is to include all l-values. Setting `l` and not setting `m` will return all projections for that angular momentum value. m (list(str)): Select one or more m-values. Requires `l` to be set. The accepted values depend on the value of `l`: `l='s'`: Only one projection. Not set. `l='p'`: One or more of ['x', 'y', 'z'] `l='d'`: One or more of ['xy', 'yz', 'z2-r2', 'xz', 'x2-y2'] `l='f'`: One or more of ['y(3x2-y2)', 'xyz', 'yz2', 'z3', 'xz2', 'z(x2-y2)', 'x(x2-3y2)'] Returns: np.array: A 4-dimensional numpy array containing the selected pdos values. The array dimensions are [ atom_no, energy_value, lm-projection, spin ] """ assert isinstance(self.pdos, np.ndarray) valid_m_values: Dict[str, List[str]] = { "s": [], "p": ["x", "y", "z"], "d": ["xy", "yz", "z2-r2", "xz", "x2-y2"], "f": ["y(3x2-y2)", "xyz", "yz2", "z3", "xz2", "z(x2-y2)", "x(x2-3y2)"], } if not atoms: atom_idx = list(range(self.number_of_atoms)) else: assert isinstance(atoms, list) atom_idx = atoms to_return = self.pdos[atom_idx, :, :, :] if not spin: spin_idx = list(range(self.ispin)) elif spin == "up": spin_idx = [0] elif spin == "down": spin_idx = [1] elif spin == "both": spin_idx = [0, 1] else: raise ValueError( "valid spin values are 'up', 'down', and 'both'. The default is 'both'" ) to_return = to_return[:, :, :, spin_idx] if not l: channel_idx = list(range(self.number_of_channels)) elif l == "s": channel_idx = [0] elif l == "p": if not m: channel_idx = [1, 2, 3] else: # TODO this looks like it should be i+1 channel_idx = [ i + 1 for i, v in enumerate(valid_m_values["p"]) if v in m ] elif l == "d": if not m: channel_idx = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] else: # TODO this looks like it should be i+4 channel_idx = [ i + 4 for i, v in enumerate(valid_m_values["d"]) if v in m ] elif l == "f": if not m: channel_idx = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] else: # TODO this looks like it should be i+9 channel_idx = [ i + 9 for i, v in enumerate(valid_m_values["f"]) if v in m ] else: raise ValueError return to_return[:, :, channel_idx, :]
[docs] def pdos_sum( self, atoms: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, spin: Optional[str] = None, l: Optional[str] = None, m: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: return np.array( np.sum(self.pdos_select(atoms=atoms, spin=spin, l=l, m=m), axis=(0, 2, 3)) )
[docs] def plot_pdos( self, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, to_plot: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, colors: Optional[Iterable] = None, plot_total_dos: Optional[bool] = True, xrange: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ymax: Optional[float] = None, scaling: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None, split: bool = False, title: Optional[str] = None, title_loc: str = "center", labels: bool = True, title_fontsize: int = 16, legend_pos: str = "outside", ) -> Figure: if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8.0, 3.0)) else: fig = None if not colors: colors = mcd.TABLEAU_COLORS assert isinstance(colors, Iterable) color_iterator = (c for c in colors) if not scaling: scaling = {} if xrange: e_range = ( >= xrange[0]) & ( <= xrange[1]) else: e_range = auto_ymax = 0.0 if not to_plot: to_plot = {} assert isinstance(self.species, Iterable) for s in set(self.species): to_plot[s] = ["s", "p", "d"] if self.lmax == 3: to_plot[s].append("f") for species in to_plot.keys(): assert isinstance(self.species, Iterable) index = [i for i, s in enumerate(self.species) if s == species] for state in to_plot[species]: assert state in ["s", "p", "d", "f"] color = next(color_iterator) label = "{} {}".format(species, state) up_dos = self.pdos_sum(atoms=index, l=state, spin="up")[e_range] down_dos = self.pdos_sum(atoms=index, l=state, spin="down")[e_range] if species in scaling: if state in scaling[species]: up_dos *= scaling[species][state] down_dos *= scaling[species][state] label = r"{} {} $\times${}".format( species, state, scaling[species][state] ) auto_ymax = max([auto_ymax, up_dos.max(), down_dos.max()]) ax.plot([e_range], up_dos, label=label, c=color) ax.plot([e_range], down_dos * -1.0, c=color) if plot_total_dos: ax.fill_between([e_range], self.tdos.up.values[e_range], self.tdos.down.values[e_range] * -1.0, facecolor=TABLEAU_GREY, alpha=0.2, ) auto_ymax = max( [ auto_ymax, self.tdos.up.values[e_range].max(), self.tdos.down.values[e_range].max(), ] ) if xrange: ax.set_xlim(xrange[0], xrange[1]) if not ymax: ymax = 1.1 * auto_ymax ymax = float(ymax) ax.set_ylim(-ymax * 1.1, ymax * 1.1) if legend_pos == "outside": ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1.04), loc="upper left") else: ax.legend(loc=legend_pos) if labels: ax.set_xlabel("Energy [eV]") ax.axhline(y=0, c="lightgrey") ax.axes.grid(False, axis="y") ax.tick_params( axis="y", # changes apply to the y-axis which="both", # both major and minor ticks are affected left=False, # ticks along the left edge are off right=False, # ticks along the right edge are off labelleft=False, ) # labels along the left edge are off if title: ax.set_title(title, loc=title_loc, fontdict={"fontsize": title_fontsize}) return fig