Source code for vasppy.grid

import numpy as np
import sys
import math
from vasppy import poscar, cell

[docs]def interpolate(i, j, x): return (i * (1.0 - x)) + (j * x)
[docs]def trilinear_interpolation(cube, r): return interpolate( interpolate( interpolate( cube[0, 0, 0], cube[1, 0, 0], r[0] ), # trilinear interpolation => interpolate(cube[0, 1, 0], cube[1, 1, 0], r[0]), r[1], ), interpolate( interpolate(cube[0, 0, 1], cube[1, 0, 1], r[0]), interpolate(cube[0, 1, 1], cube[1, 1, 1], r[0]), r[1], ), r[2], )
[docs]class Grid: projections = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} def __init__(self, dimensions=(1, 1, 1)): self.filename = None self.poscar = poscar.Poscar() self.number_of_header_lines = 0 self.dimensions = list(dimensions) self.spacing = np.array( [1.0 / number_of_points for number_of_points in self.dimensions] ) self.grid = np.zeros(self.dimensions)
[docs] def read_from_filename(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.poscar = poscar.Poscar() self.poscar.read_from(self.filename) self.number_of_header_lines = ( sum(self.poscar.atom_numbers) + poscar.Poscar.lines_offset ) self.read_dimensions() self.read_grid() return self
[docs] def write_to_filename(self, filename): with open(filename, "w") as file_out: sys.stdout = file_out self.poscar.output() self.write_dimensions() sys.stdout.flush() self.write_grid()
[docs] def read_dimensions(self): with open(self.filename, "r") as file_in: for i, line in enumerate(file_in): if i == self.number_of_header_lines: self.dimensions = [int(i) for i in line.split()] break
[docs] def write_dimensions(self): print("\n" + " ".join([str(i) for i in self.dimensions]))
[docs] def read_grid(self): grid_data = [] grid_data_lines = math.ceil( (self.dimensions[0] * self.dimensions[1] * self.dimensions[2]) / 5 ) with open(self.filename) as file_in: for i, line in enumerate(file_in): if (i > self.number_of_header_lines) and ( i <= self.number_of_header_lines + grid_data_lines ): grid_data.append(line.strip()) grid_data = np.array([float(s) for s in " ".join(grid_data).split()]) self.grid = np.reshape(grid_data, tuple(self.dimensions), order="F")
[docs] def write_grid(self): np.savetxt( sys.stdout.buffer, np.swapaxes(self.grid, 0, 2).reshape(-1, 5), fmt="%.11E" )
[docs] def average(self, normal_axis_label): axes = [0, 1, 2] axes.remove(Grid.projections[normal_axis_label]) return np.sum(np.sum(self.grid, axis=axes[1]), axis=axes[0]) / ( self.dimensions[0] * self.dimensions[1] )
[docs] def by_index(self, index): return self.grid[index[0], index[1], index[2]]
[docs] def fractional_coordinate_at_index(self, index): return np.multiply(self.spacing, index)
[docs] def cartesian_coordinate_at_index(self, index): return self.fractional_coordinate_at_index(index).dot(self.poscar.cell.matrix)
[docs] def cube_slice(self, x0, y0, z0): x1 = (x0 + 1) % self.dimensions[0] y1 = (y0 + 1) % self.dimensions[1] z1 = (z0 + 1) % self.dimensions[2] cube = np.array( [ self.grid[x0, y0, z0], self.grid[x0, y0, z1], self.grid[x0, y1, z0], self.grid[x0, y1, z1], self.grid[x1, y0, z0], self.grid[x1, y0, z1], self.grid[x1, y1, z0], self.grid[x1, y1, z1], ] ).reshape((2, 2, 2)) return cube
[docs] def interpolated_value_at_fractional_coordinate(self, coord): point = np.multiply( np.array(self.dimensions), coord ) # point contains the (fractional) index of the coordinate coord. origin = [ int(f) for f in point ] # origin contains the 3D index of the lowest-index point in the cube surrounding point (i,j,k) delta = [ p - o for p, o in zip(point, origin) ] # delta contains the *fractional* offset of "point" from "origin" cube = self.cube_slice( *origin ) # cube contains the data values at the 8 bounding grid points return trilinear_interpolation(cube, delta)
[docs] def interpolate_to_orthorhombic_grid( self, dimensions ): # warning. This may need a more robust minimim image function in for highly non-orthorhombic cells old_grid = self old_cell = old_grid.poscar.cell new_grid = Grid(dimensions=dimensions) new_grid.poscar.cell = cell.Cell(np.diag(np.diag(self.poscar.cell.matrix))) index_grid = np.array( [[i, j, k] for (i, j, k), value in np.ndenumerate(new_grid.grid)] ) cart_coord_grid = np.array( [new_grid.cartesian_coordinate_at_index(index) for index in index_grid] ) init_frac_coord_grid = np.array( [old_cell.cartesian_to_fractional_coordinates(r) for r in cart_coord_grid] ) frac_coord_grid = np.array( [old_cell.inside_cell(r) for r in init_frac_coord_grid] ) new_grid_data = np.array( [ old_grid.interpolated_value_at_fractional_coordinate(r) for r in frac_coord_grid ] ) new_grid.grid = new_grid_data.reshape(new_grid.dimensions) return new_grid