Source code for vasppy.outcar

import numpy as np
import re
from import Outcar  # type: ignore

[docs]def reciprocal_lattice_from_outcar( filename, ): # from """ Finds and returns the reciprocal lattice vectors, if more than one set present, it just returns the last one. Args: filename (Str): The name of the outcar file to be read Returns: List(Float): The reciprocal lattice vectors. """ outcar = open(filename, "r").read() # just keeping the last component recLat = re.findall(r"reciprocal\s*lattice\s*vectors\s*([-.\s\d]*)", outcar)[-1] recLat = recLat.split() recLat = np.array(recLat, dtype=float) # up to now I have, both direct and rec. lattices (3+3=6 columns) recLat.shape = (3, 6) recLat = recLat[:, 3:] return recLat
[docs]def final_energy_from_outcar(filename="OUTCAR"): """ Finds and returns the energy from a VASP OUTCAR file, by searching for the last `energy(sigma->0)` entry. Args: filename (Str, optional): OUTCAR filename. Defaults to 'OUTCAR'. Returns: (Float): The last energy read from the OUTCAR file. """ with open(filename) as f: outcar = energy_re = re.compile(r"energy\(sigma->0\) =\s+([-\d\.]+)") energy = float(energy_re.findall(outcar)[-1]) return energy
[docs]def vasp_version_from_outcar(filename="OUTCAR"): """ Returns the first line from a VASP OUTCAR file, to get the VASP source version string. Args: filename (Str, optional): OUTCAR filename. Defaults to 'OUTCAR'. Returns: (Str): The first line read from the OUTCAR file. """ with open(filename) as f: line = f.readline().strip() return line
[docs]def potcar_eatom_list_from_outcar(filename="OUTCAR"): """ Returns a list of EATOM values for the pseudopotentials used. Args: filename (Str, optional): OUTCAR filename. Defaults to 'OUTCAR'. Returns: (List(Float)): A list of EATOM values, in the order they appear in the OUTCAR. """ with open(filename) as f: outcar = eatom_re = re.compile(r"energy of atom\s+\d+\s+EATOM=\s*([-\d\.]+)") eatom = [float(e) for e in eatom_re.findall(outcar)] return eatom
[docs]def fermi_energy_from_outcar(filename="OUTCAR"): """Finds and returns the Fermi energy. Args: filename (:obj:'str', optional): the name of the ``OUTCAR`` file to be read. Default is `OUTCAR`. Returns: (Float): The Fermi energy as found in the ``OUTCAR`` file. """ outcar = open(filename, "r").read() # returns a match object fermi_energy ="E-fermi\s*:\s*([-.\d]*)", outcar) # take the first group - group(0) contains entire match fermi_energy = float( return fermi_energy
[docs]def forces_from_outcar(filename="OUTCAR"): """Finds and returns forces from the OUTCAR file. Args: filename (:obj:'str', optional): the name of the ``OUTCAR`` file to be read. Default is `OUTCAR`. Returns: (np.array): The force as found in the ``OUTCAR`` file, as a NSTEPS x NIONS x 3 numpy array. """ outcar = Outcar(filename) forces = outcar.read_table_pattern( header_pattern=r"\sPOSITION\s+TOTAL-FORCE \(eV/Angst\)\n\s-+", row_pattern=r"\s+[+-]?\d+\.\d+\s+[+-]?\d+\.\d+\s+[+-]?\d+\.\d+\s+([+-]?\d+\.\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+\.\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+\.\d+)", footer_pattern=r"\s--+", postprocess=lambda x: float(x), last_one_only=False, ) return np.array(forces)
[docs]def coords_from_outcar(filename="OUTCAR"): """Finds and returns Cartesian coordinates from the OUTCAR file. Args: filename (:obj:'str', optional): the name of the ``OUTCAR`` file to be read. Default is `OUTCAR`. Returns: (np.array): The Cartesian coordinates as found in the ``OUTCAR`` file, as a NSTEPS x NIONS x 3 numpy array. """ outcar = Outcar(filename) coords = outcar.read_table_pattern( header_pattern=r"\sPOSITION\s+TOTAL-FORCE \(eV/Angst\)\n\s-+", row_pattern=r"\s+[+-]?(\d+\.\d+)\s+[+-]?(\d+\.\d+)\s+[+-]?(\d+\.\d+)\s+[+-]?\d+\.\d+\s+[+-]?\d+\.\d+\s+[+-]?\d+\.\d+", footer_pattern=r"\s--+", postprocess=lambda x: float(x), last_one_only=False, ) return np.array(coords)