Source code for vasppy.pimaim

# routines for interacting with PIMAIM data / filetypes

import numpy as np
from vasppy.poscar import Poscar
from vasppy.cell import Cell
from vasppy.units import angstrom_to_bohr

[docs]def lines_to_numpy_array(data): return np.array([[float(s) for s in line.split()] for line in data])
[docs]def read_restart_file(filename, number_of_atoms): with open(filename, "r") as f: file_data = f.readlines() cr_dump_log, vel_dump_log, chg_dump_log, full_dump_log = [ (line.strip() == "T") for line in file_data[:4] ] # this assumes coordinates, velocities, and dipoles are all present. # not sure what happens if atoms have qudrupoles, etc. coordinates = ( lines_to_numpy_array(file_data[4 : 4 + number_of_atoms]) * angstrom_to_bohr ) if vel_dump_log: velocities = lines_to_numpy_array( file_data[4 + number_of_atoms : 4 + number_of_atoms * 2] ) else: velocities = None if chg_dump_log: dipoles = lines_to_numpy_array( file_data[4 + number_of_atoms * 2 : 4 + number_of_atoms * 3] ) else: dipoles = None cell_matrix = lines_to_numpy_array(file_data[-6:-3]) cell_lengths = lines_to_numpy_array(file_data[-3:]) * angstrom_to_bohr full_cell_matrix = cell_matrix * cell_lengths return coordinates, velocities, dipoles, full_cell_matrix, cell_lengths
[docs]def get_cart_coords_from_pimaim_restart(coordinates, full_cell_matrix, cell_lengths): return coordinates, np.array([full_cell_matrix[i] / cell_lengths[i] for i in range(3)]) )
[docs]def poscar_from_pimaim_restart(filename, atom_numbers, atom_labels): number_of_atoms = sum(atom_numbers) ( coordinates, velocities, dipoles, full_cell_matrix, cell_lengths, ) = read_restart_file(filename, number_of_atoms) poscar = Poscar() full_cell_matrix = full_cell_matrix.transpose() coordinates = get_cart_coords_from_pimaim_restart( coordinates, full_cell_matrix, cell_lengths ) poscar.cell = Cell(full_cell_matrix) poscar.atoms = atom_labels poscar.atom_numbers = atom_numbers poscar.coordinate_type = "Direct" poscar.coordinates = poscar.cell.cartesian_to_fractional_coordinates(coordinates) return poscar