Source code for vasppy.poscar

import numpy as np
import sys
import re
import copy
from vasppy import cell
from vasppy.units import angstrom_to_bohr
from pymatgen.core import Lattice as pmg_Lattice
from pymatgen.core import Structure as pmg_Structure
from import CifWriter  # type: ignore
from collections import Counter

# Ignore SIG_PIPE and don't throw exceptions on it...
from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL


[docs]def parity(list): return sum(list) % 2
[docs]def swap_axes(matrix, axes): axes_index = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} matrix[:, [axes_index[axes[0]], axes_index[axes[1]]]] = matrix[ :, [axes_index[axes[1]], axes_index[axes[0]]] ] return matrix
[docs]class Poscar: lines_offset = 9 def __init__(self): self.title = "Title" self.scaling = 1.0 self.cell = cell.Cell(np.identity(3)) self.atoms = ["A"] self.atom_numbers = [1] self.coordinate_type = "Direct" self.coordinates = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) self.selective_dynamics = False
[docs] def coordinates_by_species(self, species): return self.coordinates[self.range_by_species(species)]
[docs] def range_by_species(self, species): i = 0 atom_range = {} for a, n in zip(self.atoms, self.atom_numbers): atom_range[a] = range(i, i + n) i += n return atom_range[species]
[docs] def atom_number_by_species(self, species): atom_numbers = { a: n for a, n in zip(self.atoms, self.atom_numbers) } return atom_numbers[species]
[docs] def sorted(self, species): new_poscar = copy.deepcopy(self) new_poscar.atoms = species new_poscar.atom_numbers = [self.atom_number_by_species(s) for s in species] new_poscar.coordinates = np.concatenate( [self.coordinates_by_species(s) for s in species], axis=0 ) return new_poscar
[docs] def read_from(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() self.title = lines.pop(0).strip() self.scaling = float(lines.pop(0).strip()) self.cell.matrix = np.array( [[float(e) for e in lines.pop(0).split()] for i in range(3)] ) self.cell.inv_matrix = np.linalg.inv(self.cell.matrix) self.atoms = lines.pop(0).split() self.atom_numbers = [int(element) for element in lines.pop(0).split()] self.coordinate_type = lines.pop(0).strip() if re.match(r"\A[Ss]", self.coordinate_type): # test for 'Selective dynamics' self.selective_dynamics = True self.coordinate_type = lines.pop(0).strip() self.coordinates = np.array( [ [float(e) for e in lines.pop(0).split()[0:3]] for i in range(sum(self.atom_numbers)) ] ) if self.coords_are_cartesian(): # Convert to direct coordinates self.coordinates = self.fractional_coordinates() self.coordinate_type = "Direct"
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): poscar = cls() poscar.read_from(filename) return poscar
[docs] def in_bohr(self): new_poscar = copy.deepcopy(self) bohr_to_angstrom = 0.529177211 new_poscar.scaling *= bohr_to_angstrom new_poscar.cell.matrix /= bohr_to_angstrom if new_poscar.coords_are_cartesian(): new_poscar.coordinates /= bohr_to_angstrom return new_poscar
[docs] def coords_are_fractional(self): return not self.coords_are_cartesian()
[docs] def coords_are_cartesian(self): return re.match(r"\A[CcKk]", self.coordinate_type)
[docs] def fractional_coordinates(self): return ( self.coordinates if self.coords_are_fractional() else )
# return ( self.coordinates if self.coords_are_fractional() else self.cell.cartesian_to_fractional_coordinates( coordinates ) # need to check whether this alternative version works.
[docs] def cartesian_coordinates(self): return ( self.coordinates if self.coords_are_cartesian() else )
[docs] def select_coordinates(self, coordinate_type="Direct"): coord_opts = { "Direct": self.fractional_coordinates(), "Cartesian": self.cartesian_coordinates(), } return coord_opts[coordinate_type]
[docs] def output_coordinates_only(self, coordinate_type="Direct", opts=None): prefix = [] suffix = [] for i in range(self.coordinates.shape[0]): prefix_string = "" suffix_string = "" if "selective" in opts: if opts["selective"] == "T": suffix_string += " T T T" elif opts["selective"] == "F": suffix_string += " F F F" elif opts["selective"]: raise ValueError if "numbered" in opts: if opts["numbered"]: suffix_string += " {}".format(i + 1) if "label" in opts: if opts["label"]: if opts["label"] == 1: prefix_string += self.labels()[i].ljust(6) elif opts["label"] == 4: suffix_string += " {}".format(self.labels()[i]) elif opts["label"]: raise ValueError(opts["label"]) prefix.append(prefix_string) suffix.append(suffix_string) for pref, coord, suff in zip( prefix, self.select_coordinates(coordinate_type), suffix ): print( pref + "".join([" {: .10f}".format(element) for element in coord]) + suff )
[docs] def output(self, coordinate_type="Direct", opts=None): if opts is None: opts = {} if not opts.get("coordinates_only"): self.output_header(coordinate_type=coordinate_type) self.output_coordinates_only(coordinate_type=coordinate_type, opts=opts)
[docs] def output_header(self, coordinate_type="Direct", opts=None): if opts is None: opts = {} print(self.title) print(self.scaling) for row in self.cell.matrix: print("".join([" {: .10f}".format(element) for element in row])) print(" ".join(self.atoms)) print(" ".join([str(n) for n in self.atom_numbers])) if opts.get("selective"): print("Selective Dynamics") print(coordinate_type)
[docs] def write_to(self, filename, coordinate_type="Direct", opts=None): if opts is None: opts = {} with open(filename, "w") as sys.stdout: self.output(coordinate_type=coordinate_type, opts=opts) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # make sure sys.stdout is reset
[docs] def output_as_xtl(self): print(self.title) print("CELL") cell_lengths = self.cell_lengths() cell_angles = self.cell_angles() cell_data = cell_lengths + cell_angles print("".join([" {: .8f}".format(element) for element in cell_data])) print(" Symmetry label P1\n\nATOMS\nNAME X Y Z") output_opts = {"label": True} self.output_coordinates_only(coordinate_type="Direct", opts=output_opts)
[docs] def output_as_cif(self, symprec=None): print(CifWriter(self.to_pymatgen_structure(), symprec))
[docs] def output_as_pimaim(self, to_bohr=True): if to_bohr is True: unit_scaling = angstrom_to_bohr else: unit_scaling = 1.0 cell_lengths = self.cell.lengths() * self.scaling / unit_scaling print("T\nF\nF\nF") for row in self.cell_coordinates(): print(" ".join([str(x / unit_scaling) for x in row])) for row in self.cell.unit_vectors().transpose(): print(" ".join([str(x) for x in row])) for length in cell_lengths: print(length)
[docs] def cell_coordinates(self): return self.coordinates * self.cell.lengths() * self.scaling
[docs] def labels(self): return [ atom_name for (atom_name, atom_number) in zip( self.atoms, self.atom_numbers ) for __ in range(atom_number) ]
[docs] def replicate(self, h, k, l, group=False): lattice_scaling = np.array([h, k, l], dtype=float) lattice_shift = np.reciprocal(lattice_scaling) new_poscar = Poscar() new_poscar.title = self.title new_poscar.scaling = self.scaling # print( self.lattice ) ) new_poscar.cell.matrix = (self.cell.matrix.T * lattice_scaling).T new_poscar.coordinate_type = self.coordinate_type new_coordinate_list = [] cell_shift_indices = [ [a, b, c] for a in range(h) for b in range(k) for c in range(l) ] # generate grouped / ungrouped atom names and numbers for supercell if group: new_poscar.atoms = [ label + group for label in self.atoms for group in ("a", "b") ] new_poscar.atom_numbers = [ int(num * h * k * l / 2) for num in self.atom_numbers for __ in (0, 1) ] else: new_poscar.atoms = self.atoms new_poscar.atom_numbers = [num * h * k * l for num in self.atom_numbers] # generate grouped / ungrouped atoms coordinates for supercell if group: for row in self.coordinates: pos_in_origin_cell = row / lattice_scaling for odd_even in (0, 1): for a, b, c in [ cell_shift for cell_shift in cell_shift_indices if parity(cell_shift) == odd_even ]: new_coordinate_list.append( [pos_in_origin_cell + np.array([a, b, c] * lattice_shift)][ 0 ].tolist() ) else: for row in self.coordinates: pos_in_origin_cell = row / lattice_scaling for a, b, c in cell_shift_indices: new_coordinate_list.append( [pos_in_origin_cell + np.array([a, b, c] * lattice_shift)][ 0 ].tolist() ) new_poscar.coordinates = np.array(new_coordinate_list) return new_poscar
[docs] def cell_lengths(self): return (self.cell.lengths() * self.scaling).tolist()
# return [ np.linalg.norm( row ) for row in self.cell.matrix * self.scaling ]
[docs] def cell_angles(self): return self.cell.angles()
# ( a, b, c ) = [ row for row in self.cell.matrix ] # return [ angle( b, c ), angle( a, c ), angle( a, b ) ]
[docs] def swap_axes(self, axes): new_poscar = copy.deepcopy(self) new_poscar.cell = cell.Cell(swap_axes(self.cell.matrix, axes)) return new_poscar
[docs] def to_pymatgen_structure(self): lattice = pmg_Lattice(self.cell.matrix * self.scaling) structure = pmg_Structure(lattice, self.labels(), self.coordinates) return structure
@property def stoichiometry(self): """ Stoichiometry for this POSCAR, as a Counter. e.g. AB_2O_4 -> Counter( { 'A': 1, 'B': 2, O: 4 } ) Args: None Returns: None """ return Counter( { label: number for label, number in zip(self.atoms, self.atom_numbers) } )