Source code for vasppy.procar

from functools import reduce
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional
import warnings
import math
import re

import numpy as np
from .units import angstrom_to_bohr, ev_to_hartree
from .band import Band

[docs]class KPoint: def __init__(self, index, frac_coords, weight): self.index = index self.frac_coords = frac_coords self.weight = weight
[docs] def cart_coords(self, reciprocal_lattice): """Convert the reciprocal fractional coordinates for this k-point to \ reciprocal Cartesian coordinates. Args: reciprocal_lattice (np.array(float)): 3x3 numpy array containing the \ Cartesian reciprocal lattice. Returns: np.array: The reciprocal Cartesian coordinates of this k-point. """ return, reciprocal_lattice)
def __eq__(self, other): return ( (self.index == other.index) & (self.frac_coords == other.frac_coords).all() & (self.weight == other.weight) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "k-point {}: {} weight = {}".format( self.index, " ".join([str(c) for c in self.frac_coords]), self.weight )
[docs]def get_numbers_from_string(string: str) -> list[float]: p = re.compile(r"-?\d+[.\d]*") return [float(s) for s in p.findall(string)]
[docs]def k_point_parser(string: str) -> list[KPoint]: """Parse k-point data from a PROCAR string. Finds all lines of the form:: k-point 1 : 0.50000000 0.25000000 0.75000000 weight = 0.00806452 and extracts the k-point index, reciprocal fractional coordinates, and weight into a :obj:`procar.KPoint` object. Args: string (str): String containing a full PROCAR file. Returns: list(:obj:`procar.KPoint`): A list of :obj:`procar.KPoint` objects. """ regex = re.compile( r"k-point\s+(\d+)\s*:\s+([- ][01].\d{8})([- ][01].\d{8})([- ][01].\d{8})\s+weight = ([01].\d+)" ) captured = regex.findall(string) k_points = [] for kp in captured: index = int(kp[0]) frac_coords = np.array([float(s) for s in kp[1:4]]) weight = float(kp[4]) k_points.append(KPoint(index=index, frac_coords=frac_coords, weight=weight)) return k_points
[docs]def projections_parser(string): regex = re.compile(r"([-.\d\se]+tot.+)\n") data = regex.findall(string) data = [x.replace("tot", "0") for x in data] data = np.array([x.split() for x in data], dtype=float) return data
[docs]def area_of_a_triangle_in_cartesian_space( a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray ) -> float: """Returns the area of a triangle defined by three points in Cartesian space. Args: a (np.array): Cartesian coordinates of point A. b (np.array): Cartesian coordinates of point B. c (np.array): Cartesian coordinates of point C. Returns: float: the area of the triangle. """ return float(0.5 * np.linalg.norm(np.cross(b - a, c - a)))
[docs]def points_are_in_a_straight_line(points, tolerance=1e-7): """ Check whether a set of points fall on a straight line. Calculates the areas of triangles formed by triplets of the points. Returns False is any of these areas are larger than the tolerance. Args: points (list(np.array)): list of Cartesian coordinates for each point. tolerance (optional:float): the maximum triangle size for these points to be considered colinear. Default is 1e-7. Returns: (bool): True if all points fall on a straight line (within the allowed tolerance). """ a = points[0] b = points[1] for c in points[2:]: if area_of_a_triangle_in_cartesian_space(a, b, c) > tolerance: return False return True
[docs]def two_point_effective_mass( cartesian_k_points: np.ndarray, eigenvalues: np.ndarray ) -> float: """Calculate the effective mass given eigenvalues at two k-points. Reimplemented from Aron Walsh's original effective mass Fortran code. Args: cartesian_k_points (np.array): 2D numpy array containing the k-points in (reciprocal) Cartesian coordinates. eigenvalues (np.array): numpy array containing the eigenvalues at each k-point. Returns: float: The effective mass. """ assert cartesian_k_points.shape[0] == 2 assert eigenvalues.size == 2 dk = cartesian_k_points[1] - cartesian_k_points[0] mod_dk = np.sqrt(, dk)) delta_e = (eigenvalues[1] - eigenvalues[0]) * ev_to_hartree * 2.0 effective_mass = mod_dk * mod_dk / delta_e return effective_mass
[docs]def least_squares_effective_mass( cartesian_k_points: np.ndarray, eigenvalues: np.ndarray ) -> float: """Calculate the effective mass using a least squares quadratic fit. Args: cartesian_k_points (np.array): Cartesian reciprocal coordinates for the k-points. eigenvalues (np.array): Energy eigenvalues at each k-point to be used in the fit. Returns: float: The fitted effective mass. Raises: ValueError: If the k-points do not sit on a straight line. """ if not points_are_in_a_straight_line(cartesian_k_points): raise ValueError("k-points are not collinear") dk = cartesian_k_points - cartesian_k_points[0] mod_dk = np.linalg.norm(dk, axis=1) eigenvalues - eigenvalues[0] effective_mass = 1.0 / (np.polyfit(mod_dk, eigenvalues, 2)[0] * ev_to_hartree * 2.0) return effective_mass
[docs]class Procar: """ Object for working with PROCAR data. Attributes: data (numpy.array(float)): A 5D numpy array that stores the projection data. Axes are k-points, bands, spin-channels, ions and sum over ions, lm-projections. bands (numpy.array(:obj:`Band`)): A numpy array of ``Band`` objects, that contain band index, energy, and occupancy data. k_points (numpy.array(:obj:`KPoint`)): A numpy array of ``KPoint`` objects, that contain fractional coordinates and weights for each k-point. number_of_k_points (int): The number of k-points. number_of_bands (int): The number of bands. spin_channels (int): Number of spin channels in the PROCAR data: - 1 for non-spin-polarised calculations. - 2 for spin-polarised calculations. - 4 for non-collinear calculations. number_of_ions (int): The number of ions. number_of_projections (int): The number of projections, e.g. TODO calculation (dict): Dictionary of True | False values describing the calculation type. Dictionary keys are 'non_spin_polarised', 'non_collinear', and 'spin_polarised'. """ def __init__(self, spin=1, negative_occupancies="warn"): self._spin_channels = spin # should be determined from PROCAR self._number_of_k_points = None self._number_of_ions = None self._number_of_bands = None self._number_of_projections = None self._k_point_blocks = None self._data = None self._bands = None self._k_points = None self.calculation = { "non_spin_polarised": False, "non_collinear": False, "spin_polarised": False, } if negative_occupancies not in ["warn", "raise", "zero"]: raise ValueError( "negative_occupancies can be one of [ 'warn', 'raise', 'zero' ]" ) self.negative_occupancies = negative_occupancies # self.non_spin_polarised = None @property def occupancy(self): return np.array([[band.index, band.occupancy] for band in self._bands]) def __add__(self, other): if self.spin_channels != other.spin_channels: raise ValueError( "Can only concatenate Procars with equal spin_channels: {}, {}".format( self.spin_channels, other.spin_channels ) ) if self.number_of_ions != other.number_of_ions: raise ValueError( "Can only concatenate Procars with equal number_of_ions: {}, {}".format( self.number_of_ions, other.number_of_ions ) ) if self.number_of_bands != other.number_of_bands: raise ValueError( "Can only concatenate Procars with equal number_of_bands: {}, {}".format( self.number_of_bands, other.number_of_bands ) ) if self.number_of_projections != other.number_of_projections: raise ValueError( "Can only concatenate Procars with equal number_of_projections: {}, {}".format( self.number_of_projections, other.number_of_projections ) ) if self._k_point_blocks != other._k_point_blocks: raise ValueError( "Can only concatenate Procars with equal k_point_blocks: {}, {}".format( self._k_point_blocks, other._k_point_blocks ) ) if self.calculation != other.calculation: raise ValueError( "Can only concatenate Procars from equal calculations: {}, {}".format( self.calculation, other.calculation ) ) new_procar = deepcopy(self) new_procar._data = np.concatenate((self._data, other._data), axis=0) new_procar._number_of_k_points = ( self.number_of_k_points + other.number_of_k_points ) new_procar._bands = [] new_procar._bands = np.ravel(np.concatenate([self.bands, other.bands], axis=1)) new_procar._k_points = self._k_points + other._k_points for i, kp in enumerate(new_procar._k_points, 1): kp.index = i new_procar.sanity_check() return new_procar
[docs] def parse_projections(self): self.projection_data = projections_parser(self.read_in) try: assert self._number_of_bands * self._number_of_k_points == len( self.projection_data ) self._spin_channels = 1 # non-magnetic, non-spin-polarised self._k_point_blocks = 1 self.calculation["non_spin_polarised"] = True except Exception: if self._number_of_bands * self._number_of_k_points * 4 == len( self.projection_data ): self._spin_channels = 4 # non-collinear (spin-orbit coupling) self._k_point_blocks = 1 self.calculation["non_collinear"] = True pass elif self._number_of_bands * self._number_of_k_points * 2 == len( self.projection_data ): self._spin_channels = 2 # spin-polarised self._k_point_blocks = 2 self.calculation["spin_polarised"] = True pass else: raise self._number_of_projections = ( int(self.projection_data.shape[1] / (self._number_of_ions + 1)) - 1 )
[docs] def parse_k_points(self): self._k_points = k_point_parser(self.read_in)[: self._number_of_k_points]
[docs] def parse_bands(self): band_data = re.findall( r"band\s*(\d+)\s*#\s*energy\s*([-.\d]+)\s?\s*#\s" r"*occ.\s*([-.\d]+)", self.read_in, ) self._bands = np.array( [ Band( float(i), float(e), float(o), negative_occupancies=self.negative_occupancies, ) for i, e, o in band_data ] )
[docs] def sanity_check(self): assert self._number_of_k_points == len( self._k_points ), "k-point number mismatch: {} in header; {} in file".format( self._number_of_k_points, len(self._k_points) ) read_bands = len(self._bands) / self._number_of_k_points / self._k_point_blocks assert ( self._number_of_bands == read_bands ), "band mismatch: {} in header; {} in file".format( self._number_of_bands, read_bands )
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, filenames, **kwargs): """Create a :obj:`Procar` object by reading the projected wavefunction character of each band from a series of VASP ``PROCAR`` files. Useful when e.g. a band-structure calculation has been split over multiple VASP calculations, for example, when using hybrid functionals. Args: filename (str): Filename of the ``PROCAR`` file. **kwargs: See the ``from_file()`` method for a description of keyword arguments. Returns: (:obj:`vasppy.Procar`) """ pcars = [cls.from_file(f, **kwargs) for f in filenames] return reduce(cls.__add__, pcars)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, filename, negative_occupancies="warn", select_zero_weighted_k_points=False ): """Create a :obj:`Procar` object by reading the projected wavefunction character of each band from a VASP ``PROCAR`` file. Args: filename (str): Filename of the ``PROCAR`` file. negative_occupancies (:obj:`Str`, optional): Select how negative occupancies are handled. Options are: - ``warn`` (default): Warn that some partial occupancies are negative. - ``raise``: Raise an AttributeError. - ``ignore``: Do nothing. - ``zero``: Negative partial occupancies will be set to zero. select_zero_weighted_k_points (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to ``True`` to only read in zero-weighted k-points from the ``PROCAR`` file. Default is ``False``. Returns: (:obj:`vasppy.Procar`) """ pcar = cls(negative_occupancies=negative_occupancies) pcar._read_from_file(filename=filename) if select_zero_weighted_k_points: k_point_indices = [ i for i, kp in enumerate(pcar.k_points) if kp.weight == 0.0 ] pcar = pcar.select_k_points(k_point_indices) return pcar
[docs] def read_from_file(self, filename): warnings.warn( "read_from_file() is deprecated as a part of the public API.\nPlease use Procar.from_file() or Procar.from_files() instead", stacklevel=2, ) return self._read_from_file(filename=filename)
def _read_from_file(self, filename): """Reads the projected wavefunction character of each band from a VASP PROCAR file. Args: filename (str): Filename of the PROCAR file. Returns: None """ with open(filename, "r") as file_in: file_in.readline() self._number_of_k_points, self._number_of_bands, self._number_of_ions = [ int(f) for f in get_numbers_from_string(file_in.readline()) ] self.read_in = self.parse_k_points() self.parse_bands() self.parse_projections() self.sanity_check() self.read_in = None # clear memory if self.calculation["spin_polarised"]: self._data = ( self.projection_data.reshape( ( self._spin_channels, self._number_of_k_points, self._number_of_bands, self._number_of_ions + 1, self._number_of_projections + 1, ) )[:, :, :, :, 1:] .swapaxes(0, 1) .swapaxes(1, 2) ) else: self._data = self.projection_data.reshape( ( self._number_of_k_points, self._number_of_bands, self._spin_channels, self._number_of_ions + 1, self._number_of_projections + 1, ) )[:, :, :, :, 1:] @property def number_of_k_points(self): """The number of k-points described by this :obj:`Procar` object.""" assert ( self._number_of_k_points == self._data.shape[0] ), "Number of k-points in metadata ({}) not equal to number in PROCAR data ({})".format( self._number_of_k_points, self._data.shape[0] ) return self._number_of_k_points @property def number_of_bands(self): """The number of bands described by this :obj:`Procar` object.""" assert ( self._number_of_bands == self._data.shape[1] ), "Number of bands in metadata ({}) not equal to number in PROCAR data ({})".format( self._number_of_bands, self._data.shape[1] ) return self._number_of_bands @property def spin_channels(self): """The number of spin-channels described by this :obj:`Procar` object.""" assert ( self._spin_channels == self._data.shape[2] ), "Number of spin channels in metadata ({}) not equal to number in PROCAR data ({})".format( self._spin_channels, self._data.shape[2] ) return self._spin_channels @property def number_of_ions(self): """The number of ions described by thie :obj:`Procar` object.""" assert ( self._number_of_ions == self._data.shape[3] - 1 ), "Number of ions in metadata ({}) not equal to number in PROCAR data ({})".format( self._number_of_ions, self._data.shape[3] - 1 ) return self._number_of_ions @property def number_of_projections(self): """The number of lm-projections described by this :obj:`Procar` object.""" assert ( self._number_of_projections == self._data.shape[4] ), "Number of projections in metadata ({}) not equal to number in PROCAR data ({})".format( self._number_of_projections, self._data.shape[4] ) return self._number_of_projections
[docs] def print_weighted_band_structure( self, spins=None, ions=None, orbitals=None, scaling=1.0, e_fermi=0.0, reciprocal_lattice=None, ): band_structure_data = self.weighted_band_structure( spins=spins, ions=ions, orbitals=orbitals, scaling=scaling, e_fermi=e_fermi, reciprocal_lattice=reciprocal_lattice, ) for i, band_data in enumerate(band_structure_data, 1): print("# band: {}".format(i)) for k_point_data in band_data: print(" ".join([str(f) for f in k_point_data])) print()
[docs] def weighted_band_structure( self, spins=None, ions=None, orbitals=None, scaling=1.0, e_fermi=0.0, reciprocal_lattice=None, ): if spins: spins = [s - 1 for s in spins] else: spins = list(range(self.spin_channels)) if not ions: ions = [self.number_of_ions] # nions+1 is the `tot` index if not orbitals: orbitals = list(range(self.number_of_projections)) if self.calculation["spin_polarised"]: band_energies = ( np.array([ for band in self._bands]) .reshape( (self.spin_channels, self.number_of_k_points, self.number_of_bands) )[spins[0]] .T ) else: band_energies = ( np.array([ for band in self._bands]) .reshape((self.number_of_k_points, self.number_of_bands)) .T ) orbital_projection = np.sum(self._data[:, :, :, :, orbitals], axis=4) ion_projection = np.sum(orbital_projection[:, :, :, ions], axis=3) spin_projection = np.sum(ion_projection[:, :, spins], axis=2) x_axis = self.x_axis(reciprocal_lattice) to_return = [] for i in range(self.number_of_bands): for k, (e, p) in enumerate( zip(band_energies[i], spin_projection.T[i], strict=None) ): to_return.append([x_axis[k], e - e_fermi, p * scaling]) to_return = np.array(to_return).reshape((self.number_of_bands, -1, 3)) return to_return
[docs] def effective_mass_calc( self, k_point_indices, band_index, reciprocal_lattice, spin=1, printing=False ): assert spin <= self._k_point_blocks assert len(k_point_indices) > 1 # we need at least 2 k-points band_energies = self._bands[:, 1:].reshape( self._k_point_blocks, self.number_of_k_points, self.number_of_bands ) frac_k_point_coords = np.array( [self._k_points[k - 1].frac_coords for k in k_point_indices] ) eigenvalues = np.array( [band_energies[spin - 1][k - 1][band_index - 1] for k in k_point_indices] ) if printing: print("# h k l e") for row in np.concatenate( (frac_k_point_coords, np.array([eigenvalues]).T), axis=1 ): print(" ".join([str(f) for f in row])) reciprocal_lattice = reciprocal_lattice * 2 * math.pi * angstrom_to_bohr cart_k_point_coords = np.array( [k.cart_coords(reciprocal_lattice) for k in self._k_points] ) # convert k-points to cartesian if len(k_point_indices) == 2: effective_mass_function = two_point_effective_mass else: effective_mass_function = least_squares_effective_mass return effective_mass_function(cart_k_point_coords, eigenvalues)
[docs] def x_axis(self, reciprocal_lattice: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the x-axis values for a band-structure plot. Returns an array of cumulative distances in reciprocal space between sequential k-points. Args: reciprocal_lattice (:obj:`np.array`, optional): 3x3 Cartesian reciprocal lattice. Default is ``None``. If no reciprocal lattice is provided, the returned x-axis values will be sequential integers, giving even spacings between sequential k-points. Returns: np.array: An array of x-axis values. """ if reciprocal_lattice is not None: cartesian_k_points = np.array( [k.cart_coords(reciprocal_lattice) for k in self._k_points] ) x_axis = [0.0] for i in range(1, len(cartesian_k_points)): dk = cartesian_k_points[i - 1] - cartesian_k_points[i] mod_dk = np.sqrt(, dk)) x_axis.append(mod_dk + x_axis[-1]) x_axis_array = np.array(x_axis) else: x_axis_array = np.arange(len(self._k_points)) return x_axis_array
@property def bands(self): return self._bands.reshape( self._k_point_blocks, self._number_of_k_points, self.number_of_bands ) @property def k_points(self): return self._k_points
[docs] def select_bands_by_kpoint(self, band_indices): return np.ravel(self.bands[:, band_indices, :])
[docs] def select_k_points(self, band_indices): new_procar = deepcopy(self) new_procar._bands = np.ravel(new_procar.bands[:, band_indices, :]) new_procar._data = np.array( [kp for i, kp in enumerate(new_procar._data) if i in band_indices] ) new_procar._number_of_k_points = len(band_indices) new_procar._k_points = [ kp for i, kp in enumerate(new_procar._k_points) if i in band_indices ] for i, kp in enumerate(new_procar._k_points, 1): kp.index = i new_procar.sanity_check() return new_procar
# TODO Need complete set of example PROCAR files before we start to write # something that can write these all back out in the appropriate format # def write_file( self, filename ): # if self.calculation['non_collinear']: # raise NotImplementedError # with open( filename, 'w' ) as f: # f.write( 'PROCAR lm decomposed' ) # for s in range( self.spin_channels ): # not sure what happens for non-collinear calculations # line = ff.FortranRecordWriter("/'# of k-points:',I5,9X,'# of bands:',I5,9X,'# of ions:',I5") # f.write( line.write( [ self.number_of_k_points, self.number_of_bands, self.number_of_ions ] )+'\n' ) # for k_point in self.k_points: # line = ff.FortranRecordWriter("/' k-point ',I5,' :',3X,3F11.8,' weight = ',F10.8/") # f.write( line.write( [ k_point.index, *k_point.frac_coords, k_point.weight ] ) ) # for band in self.bands: # line = ff.FortranRecordWriter("/'band ',I5,' # energy',F14.8,' # occ.',F12.8/") # f.write( line.write( [ band.index,, band.occupancy ] ) ) # f.write( '\nion s py pz px dxy dyz dz2 dxz dx2 tot\n' )