Source code for vasppy.rdf

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Type
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d  # type: ignore
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from vasppy.utils import dr_ij

[docs]class RadialDistributionFunction: """Class for computing radial distribution functions. Attributes: nbins (int): Number of bins. range ((float, float)): Minimum and maximum values of r. intervals (np.array(float)): r values of the bin edges. dr (float): bin width. r (float): mid-points of each bin. rdf (np.array(float)): RDF values. coordination_number (np.array(float)): Volume integral of the RDF. """ def __init__( self, structures: list[Structure], indices_i: list[int], indices_j: Optional[list[int]] = None, nbins: int = 500, r_min: float = 0.0, r_max: float = 10.0, weights: Optional[list[float]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialise a RadialDistributionFunction instance. Args: structures (list(pymatgen.Structure)): List of pymatgen Structure objects. indices_i (list(int)): List of indices for species i. indices_j (:obj:`list(int)`, optional): List of indices for species j. Optional, default is `None`. nbins (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of bins used for the RDF. Optional, default is 500. rmin (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum r value. Optional, default is 0.0. rmax (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum r value. Optional, default is 10.0. weights (:obj:`list(float)`, optional): List of weights for each structure. Optional, default is `None`. Returns: None """ if weights: if len(weights) != len(structures): raise ValueError( "List of structure weights needs to be the same length" " as the list of structures." ) else: weights = [1.0] * len(structures) self.self_reference = (not indices_j) or (indices_j == indices_i) if not indices_j: indices_j = indices_i self.indices_i = indices_i self.indices_j = indices_j self.nbins = nbins self.range = (r_min, r_max) self.intervals = np.linspace(r_min, r_max, nbins + 1) self.dr = (r_max - r_min) / nbins self.r = self.intervals[:-1] + self.dr / 2.0 ff = shell_volumes(self.intervals) self.coordination_number = np.zeros(nbins) self.rdf = np.zeros((nbins), dtype=np.double) for structure, weight in zip(structures, weights): all_dr_ij = dr_ij( structure=structure, indices_i=self.indices_i, indices_j=self.indices_j, self_reference=False, ).flatten() hist = np.histogram( all_dr_ij, bins=nbins, range=(r_min, r_max), density=False )[0] rho = float(len(self.indices_i)) / structure.lattice.volume self.rdf += hist * weight / rho self.coordination_number += np.cumsum(hist) self.rdf = self.rdf / ff / sum(weights) / float(len(indices_j)) self.coordination_number = ( self.coordination_number / sum(weights) / float(len(self.indices_j)) )
[docs] def smeared_rdf(self, sigma: float = 0.1) -> np.ndarray: """Smear the RDF with a Gaussian kernel. Args: sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. Optional, default is 0.1. Returns: (np.array): Smeared RDF data. """ sigma_n_bins = sigma / self.dr return gaussian_filter1d(self.rdf, sigma=sigma_n_bins)
[docs] @classmethod def from_species_strings( cls: Type[RadialDistributionFunction], structures: list[Structure], species_i: str, species_j: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> RadialDistributionFunction: """Initialise a RadialDistributionFunction instance by specifying species strings. Args: structures (list(pymatgen.Structure)): List of pymatgen Structure objects. species_i (str): String for species i, e.g. ``"Na"``. species_j (:obj:`str`, optional): String for species j, e.g. ``"Cl"``. Optional default is `None`. **kwargs: Variable length keyword argument list. See :func:`vasppy.rdf.RadialDistributionFunction` for the full list of accepted arguments. Returns: (RadialDistributionFunction) """ indices_i: list[int] indices_j: Optional[list[int]] indices_i = [ i for i, site in enumerate(structures[0]) if site.species_string == species_i ] if species_j: indices_j = [ j for j, site in enumerate(structures[0]) if site.species_string == species_j ] else: indices_j = None if not indices_i: raise ValueError("Species i not found.") if not indices_j: raise ValueError("Species j not found.") return cls( structures=structures, indices_i=indices_i, indices_j=indices_j, **kwargs )
[docs]class VanHoveAnalysis: """Class for computing Van Hove correlation functions. Attributes: nbins (int): Number of bins. range ((float, float)): Minimum and maximum values of r. intervals (np.array(float)): r values of the bin edges. dr (float): bin width. r (float): mid-points of each bin. gsrt (np.array(float)): Self part of the Van Hove correlation function. gdrt (np.array(float)): Distinct part of the Van Hove correlation function. """ def __init__( self, structures: list[Structure], indices: list[int], d_steps: int, nbins: int = 500, r_min: float = 0.0, r_max: float = 10.0, ): """Initialise a VanHoveCorrelationFunction instance. Args: structures (list(pymatgen.Structure)): List of pymatgen Structure objects. indices (list(int)): List of indices for species to consider. d_steps (int): number of steps between structures at dt=0 and dt=t. nbins (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of bins used for the RDF. Optional, default is 500. rmin (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum r value. Optional, default is 0.0. rmax (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum r value. Optional, default is 10.0. Returns: None """ self.nbins = nbins self.range = (r_min, r_max) self.intervals = np.linspace(r_min, r_max, nbins + 1) self.dr = (r_max - r_min) / nbins self.r = self.intervals[:-1] + self.dr / 2.0 self.gdrt = np.zeros((nbins), dtype=np.double) self.gsrt = np.zeros((nbins), dtype=np.double) rho = len(indices) / structures[0].lattice.volume lattice = structures[0].lattice ff = shell_volumes(self.intervals) rho = len(indices) / lattice.volume for struc_i, struc_j in zip( structures[: len(structures) - d_steps], structures[d_steps:] ): i_frac_coords = struc_i.frac_coords[indices] j_frac_coords = struc_j.frac_coords[indices] all_dr_ij = lattice.get_all_distances(i_frac_coords, j_frac_coords) mask = np.ones(all_dr_ij.shape, dtype=bool) np.fill_diagonal(mask, 0) distinct_dr_ij = np.ndarray.flatten(all_dr_ij[mask]) hist = np.histogram( distinct_dr_ij, bins=nbins, range=(0.0, r_max), density=False )[0] self.gdrt += hist / rho self_dr_ij = np.ndarray.flatten(all_dr_ij[np.invert(mask)]) hist = np.histogram( self_dr_ij, bins=nbins, range=(0.0, r_max), density=False )[0] self.gsrt += hist / rho self.gdrt = self.gdrt / ff / (len(structures) - d_steps) / float(len(indices)) self.gsrt = self.gsrt / (len(structures) - d_steps) / float(len(indices))
[docs] def self(self, sigma: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the self part of the Van Hove correlation function. Args: sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): Optional smearing width. Returns: (np.ndarray) """ if sigma: return self.smeared_gsrt(sigma=sigma) return self.gsrt
[docs] def distinct(self, sigma: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the distinct part of the Van Hove correlation function. Args: sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): Optional smearing width. Returns: (np.ndarray) """ if sigma: return self.smeared_gdrt(sigma=sigma) return self.gdrt
[docs] def smeared_gsrt(self, sigma: float = 0.1) -> np.ndarray: """Smear the self part of the Van Hove correlation function with a Gaussian kernel. Args: sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. Optional, default is 0.1. Returns: (np.array): Smeared data. """ sigma_n_bins = sigma / self.dr return gaussian_filter1d(self.gsrt, sigma=sigma_n_bins)
[docs] def smeared_gdrt(self, sigma: float = 0.1) -> np.ndarray: """Smear the distinct part of the Van Hove correlation function with a Gaussian kernel. Args: sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. Optional, default is 0.1. Returns: (np.array): Smeared data. """ sigma_n_bins = sigma / self.dr return gaussian_filter1d(self.gdrt, sigma=sigma_n_bins)
[docs]def shell_volumes(intervals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Volumes of concentric spherical shells. Args: intervals (np.array): N radial boundaries used to define the set of N-1 shells. Returns: np.array: Volumes of each shell. """ return 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * (intervals[1:] ** 3 - intervals[:-1] ** 3)